2025 Alumni Days

Join the fun In 2025!

Calling all Whiting’s Foods Alumni!

Come back and work a shift (or two or three…) with us!

Alumni Days Details:

Dates: April 14 - 18 2025. Work any or all of these dates!

Time: Recommended shift times are 11am-4pm, but we can be flexible for those who want to leave earlier or stay later.

What: Besides reliving your fun days working at the Boardwalk, you can make $25/hr for you or a fundraising cause! (Please note this is a special short term rate, and no tips will be earned.)

Who: You and all your fellow alumni coworkers. If you have additional friends/family who did not work for us who are also interested in working, please let us know in the comments below.

Interested? Awesome! Fill out the form below to let us know your availability. If you have specific questions, you can email office@whitingsfoods.com.

Share with your fellow alumni to make it even more fun!

Fill out the form below!

After we receive your info we will reach out to confirm your availability and details. Please note that we may need to adjust the number or cancel alumni shifts due to the weather.

Take a Walk Down Memory Lane…

We have decades worth of memories - and photos! - but here is a very small sampling from the past 70+ years to stir up the nostalgia! We can’t wait to see your smiling faces again.


2025 Hiringfest